Too much? Too little? Maybe we’re not a match then.
If it lands for you, let’s talk and explore if working together is a good fit.
About Alex
Born in The Netherlands in 1964 and left school to start working at the age of 15. Back to school when I was 20, and next to my work, I studied HR for 5 years, followed by another 2 years of Management Sciences. My career took several funny turns until I found coaching in 2007, which was also the beginning of making dreams come true a permanent part of my life. Sometimes step by step. Sometimes just by jumping into that adventure.
I love people and recharge my batteries in nature. That was one of the reasons that made me fall in love with and move to a small medieval village in France, in the midst of vineyards and surrounded by mountains.
I love people and recharge my batteries in nature. That was one of the reasons that made me fall in love with and move to a small medieval village in France, in the midst of vineyards and surrounded by mountains.
Professional background
- Master Certified Coach (MCC, CPCC) with 15+ years coaching experience;
- CTI Faculty member (multiple roles in coaching trainings and Certification program);
- Facilitator of ICF-accredited masterclasses for coaches;
- Licensed trainer for DISC and Get Clients Now;
- Professional roles I hold are coach, mentor, supervisor, trainer, workshop-facilitator, team-builder;
- Work experience in IT, Healthcare, Music Industry, Public Services;
- The languages in which I work are English, Dutch and German;
- Studied HR and Management Sciences;
The footprint I want to create is to be the Awareness Builder who creates an army of positive change.
Positively impact the lives of 10 million people through the power of coaching and its ripple-effect.
“We are here to improve, not to impress.”