
From Awareness Builder 101: Chapter 16

December 09, 2024

16. Magic


When I want some ‘no brain-time’ I like to watch some ‘whatever country got talent’ on YouTube. Part of the fun is the jury. Some weird behaving guys like Simon ‘what’s his name’ or the hot ladies next to him. I admit. The advantage of watching it on YouTube is that I can simply choose the parts that amuse me. Like a father and a son singing that harmonious, selfcomposed song moving me to tears. Or that guy with his funny cloths and ‘wrong’ glasses who happens to have adopted 6 kids with special needs and performing the most beautiful song so the jury can’t help themselves but having to hit that golden buzzer. The only time I’m watching these shows is when I’m alone in my hotel room after leading a course. Just for fun. People doing something they are passionate about, they believe in. What then becomes possible is a kind of magic!


And, you don’t have to be on that show to create magic!! When I’m leading courses and train people coaching-skills, we talk about things that are close to our heart. What is it that brings a smile to your face? What is it that excites you? What moves your heart? What makes you feel fulfilled? Wait a minute; what do these questions mean to you? STOP READING! NOW! Put this book aside and start chewing on these questions. No kidding, stop reading now and reflect on these three short questions. As long as you need.


OK, I hope you found a few answers, so let’s continue. When we connect from our core to what moves us, what brings a smile to our face, to what’s close to our heart, we’re going to experience magic. Your magic. You don’t need to be a magician, a gifted singer, a dancer or talented in any of the fine arts to be magical. Magic lives inside all of us, yes, that includes YOU! With total admiration for people with the talent to perform on stage, I’m also in awe with yourmagic. When you connect with whom you are at your core and start creating magic from there. Every single one of us has something special to bring to this world. It’s maybe not your talent as a singer or your skills as an acrobat, or anything like that. Very likely magic is happening because of what you’re doing every single day. Like my friend who’s an osteopath and with some ‘simple’ moves making people feel much better. Or my friend who’s a teacher whose patience make kids blossom. Or my friend who’s driving handicapped kids to school, so they have a great day. Or my wife, with her eye for detail making people feel welcome and seen.


Or you, with that one thing you do because it matters to your heart, to make a difference to that one person you meet. Magic isn’t a show. Life is magic. When you live what moves your heart.



Journaling questions for this chapter:


How am I bringing magic to the world?


What’s a talent I have, that I want to express more?


Which choices do I want to make to no longer play small and create




© 2024. Alex Verlek, Coaching Works International.


PS. To order the Awareness Builder 101 e-book or audio book, click here.

And to listen to the audio version of this chapter, click below:


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