How can I serve you?
Coaching is for well-functioning people
Desiring to transform from good to great
Consciously creating the life they really want
I believe that challenging and awakening your authentic, inner resources through intense curiosity, a firm belief in yourself and fierce love will unlock your potential for a life fully lived.

YOU are a VIP
For me it is also very important that you:
- Really want coaching and all that comes with it
- Are eager to explore, experiment and grow
- Long for a purpose driven life
- Inspire me by who you are and what you’re longing for
If you tick the boxes above, and you also feel inspired by me, let’s talk! I mainly work with leaders, high potentials and other coaches. I meet my VIPs by phone, Zoom, or in nature. We design what fits best.
For Brilliant Leaders:
One of the most powerful statements I’ve ever heard about coaching is a quote by Jim Patterson: “We are not coaching for problems to be solved, but for lives to be lived”. It’s the same for leadership: In essence we lead for visions to be lived. For missions to be accomplished. For potential to be awakened. For people to blossom. Not just to solve problems! We lead to inspire people to give their time and talents to contribute to that vision.
You want to lead by example and therefore want to maximise your own potential so your talents can serve the people, the organisation you are leading. However big or small it is.
When that hits home for you, I invite you to explore how coaching can serve you.
Coaching is a commitment from both ends, for months, sometimes even years.
Click on the button below to schedule a complimentary session with me to check if working together is YOUR next best step.
For Brilliant Coaches:
I am an Awareness Builder who creates an army of positive change.
There are almost 8 billion people who long for a life of value, who long to live their dreams. For that we need an army of coaches!
The world needs YOU to give your very best as a coach to make this world a bit of a better place. We do that person by person, team by team. Collectively we have a huge impact and it’s part of my mission to support coaches to become even more impactful. As an individual and as a professional.
I am eager to work with highly motivated, professional coaches who want to grow from good to great.
No kidding, from good to great.
- You have completed a well-respected coaching training like CTI’s Certification and are either CPCC or you have your ICF-credentials via alternative routes.
- You are eager to continue to work on your growth and ready to invest time and energy in this ongoing process.
- You are looking for a coach for your personal growth, a mentor/supervisor for your growth as a professional.
Click on the button below to schedule a complimentary session with me to check if working together is YOUR next best step.
For CTI’s students / Co-Active Coaches in Certification
When you want to expand your skills as a Co-Active Coach and you decided to go for CTI’s highly respected Certification program, you also need to work with an experienced coach/mentor.
I hold a limited number of places to support coaches on this journey. At a highly reduced fee I offer you a very complete package where I will coach you, help you to grow your business and mentor you on your coaching questions.
You are eager to learn and we inspire each other with our vision on coaching. For both it has to be a fully committed YES!
My why? I am very grateful for my teachers, coaches and mentors who supported me on my coaching-journey. This is my way of saying ‘Thank You’ and paying forward.
And, also very important, it is totally in line with my Life Purpose, which is to be an Awareness Builder who creates an army of positive change.
Interested? Unsure? Excited? Any questions? Click on the button below to schedule a complimentary session with me to check if working together is YOUR next best step.

For Certified Co-Active Coaches.
A very special package of four BOOST-sessions of 45 minutes.
You have one burning topic where you really need to make a powerful choice.
This coaching is meant for trained clients who know the game and are ready to make powerful choices. Urgently!
Or you need to get some mentoring hours towards the renewal of your ICF-credentials.
If this is a ‘This is ME!”, click on the button below for more info.