15 years ago I was going through a challenging time with my health. And there was a physiotherapist I worked with who asked the same question over and over again each time I complained about something that was not going well with my body.
She said: “What is your body asking for? What does your body need?”
I hated those questions because each time it put responsibility for my own health & wellbeing back in my own shoes.
As many of you know around Easter I got hospitalized with a seriously herniated disk. From the hospital I reached out to the physiotherapist to check if she could help.
Guess what she asked? 🙂
“Alex, what is your body asking for? What does your body need?”
Responsibility back on me. Again!
And there’s so much truth in it. I’m convinced that what we put in our mouth, what we allow to sink in our heart, what we allow to stick to our brain, what we allow to feed our spirit with, it has an impact on our wellbeing.
So partly, maybe even for a big part we are responsible for the health that we are in.
I share my reflections with you in the new video below:
P.S. Once you’ve had a chance to watch my new video, I’d love to hear from you. What is it that you’re putting in your mouth or what you allow to land in your heart? How do you feed your spirit? What do you allow to stick to your brain? What of that is not serving your health? And where is it you can do a bit more? Or a bit less? Feel free to leave a comment on this blog and share your thoughts.
P.P.S. And if you body is asking for some in-person training & learning & shared human experiences and connections, please check my upcoming masterclasses for coaches in Munich and Zurich (FEW places are still available!).
With everything that’s going on in the world right now and all that you have on your plate (the work, worry and uncertainty), take a deep breath and believe me when I say…
You´re Not Meant To Do This Alone.
Do you know there is an ‘Army of Positive Change’ out there?
That is how I see the more than 10.000 Certified Co-Active Coaches, my colleagues! They are spread out over the whole world and well trained to support you in these challenging times.
When you feel like you don’t want 2020 to be a wasted year and you’re eager to create from the challenges, this might be the time to partner up with a Co-Active coach. Yes, partner up! They are not there to fix the ‘problem’ for you, yet to take you on a deep dive of exploration and discovery.
These are some of the colleagues that I fully trust they’ll be there for you! This diverse group is spread out over the world. Look ‘m up and see who might be a fit for you!
Alexandra Sønstegaard-Løvbugten (Norway)
Britta Gruenig Castelli (Switzerland)
Michael Mahy (UK)
Jimmy Lee (SGP)
Janice Chua (SGP)
Eva Eulenstein (world citizen)
Subin Hong (SGP)
Sudakshina Bhattacharya (India)
Stacey Back (Australia)
Mauro Nardocci (USA)
Anya Soto (Canada)
Mais Al Hasan (UAE)
Anastasia Mizitova (Russia)
Once you’ve had a chance to read this post, leave a comment below. And when you’re on this list, you know this list should be a lot longer! So, forward the favour and share this message whilst adding your own list of 10-15 trusted CPCC’s!
This morning I was reflecting on the conversation I had with a dear friend of mine about the word “Enough”. When we say “enough is enough”, what does that mean?
Does it mean “No, I don´t want it anymore!”?
Or does it mean “Yes, I want something from now on”?
And then that well known “Am I enough” question that hunts us in the moments of doubt?
Watch below.
Once you’ve had a chance to watch my new video, leave a comment below and let me know. When does “it´s enough” mean NO to you? When does “it´s enough” mean YES to you? And also that “I´m enough?” question.
Have you ever heard the famous song by Edith Piaf “Non! Je ne regrette rien”? (No, I regret nothing)
I’m intrigued by this song.
How did she do it?
How did she come to terms with the good, the bad, the ugly – everything that happens in life?
How did she bypass all the “should have done’s” and “shouldn’t have done’s” that all of us have?
And all the “I wish I did’s”?
Watch below:
Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What would it take to live a life free from regrets?
Leave a comment below and let me know.
Today I want to talk about one of my favorite chapters in my book. This chapter has the title “Sexy”.
So, what would that chapter be about? 🙂
Curious? Watch below:
Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What does sexy mean to you? How sexy do you dare to be? Like really..? Leave a comment below and let me know.
The world is going through very special, challenging times as you and I have never witnessed before. On the top of global pandemic and billions of impacted people, families & businesses, we’re facing additional challenges…
Already for millennia we are looking at a world where one human being feels that they are better than the other.
Discrimination…it is as old as the world. And it needs to STOP! NOW!
Driven by that belief, we already see many wonderful initiatives.
On the other hand we see people losing hope. It gets so big and overwhelming that people give up. A human reaction and maybe even understandable reaction. Yet, that would be the biggest catastrophe that could happen to the world.
Watch my video below.
P.S. Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. Do you allow the world to change you or do you dare to change the world? Leave a comment below and let me know.
Being shocked by the violent death of George Floyd last week – and he’s ‘just’ one of the many examples – I wanted to bring JUSTICE as a topic for my newest Tuesday video.
Watch it below:
Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What does justice mean to you? And how can we integrate justice as a value in our relationships?
Leave a comment below and let me know.
In my newest Tuesday video, I’m talking about one of my favorite topics – LEADERSHIP and haircuts…
And..I know you are busy and probably overZOOMed right now, so this email will be short 🙂
Curious? Watch it below.
Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What does it mean for YOU to lead by example? What does it mean for you to serve those whom you’ve been given responsibility for? Leave a comment below and let me know.
I grew up in a traditional, Christian family where prayer was a part of our religious practice. Over the years my relationship with faith and religion has changed.
Nowadays I see myself more as a spiritual person than as a religious person.
One of the people who inspired me a lot on my spiritual journey was Saint Francis. At some point I also got introduced to the prayer of Saint Francis.
It is called the Peace Prayer. There is one sentence in this prayer that keeps echoing in my heart.
I shot a new Tuesday video for you where I share my reflections with you and how I use it in my everyday life.
Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you.
What is YOUR inspirational quote, affirmation, prayer or meditation that helps you to live consciously? That informs your choices . That informs how you are with other people and how you do business. That informs how you live and lead your life. Leave a comment below and let me know.