
Happy Birthday to me :)

August 18, 2020

This week I celebrated my birthday. Thank you all for sending me those lovely birthday wishes from all over the world!




I turned 56 this week. This was, of course, another reason for my son for instance to rub in that I´m really getting old.


Others tried to flatter me with giving me a lower number than my actual years.


You know what they say about age. “Age is just a number”, maybe to put it in perspective?


Well, what is the perspective that you have on the number of years that you´ve been given?


I shot a new Tuesday video for you today with my reflections around this topic.


Watch it below:



P.S.Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What is the impact that you want to create with the talents that you´ve been given? And as long as you have the privilege of being alive, how do you want to make every day a joyful day? Curious to hear your answers.


P.P.S. And if you want to celebrate an inspiring day filled with learning, development and in-person fun with me & inspiring coaching colleagues, please check my upcoming masterclasses for coaches in Munich and Zurich in September (very FEW places are still available!).

1 Comment

  1. Divya says:

    Happy birthday Alex! 56 what….. your spirit is that of a 26 year old 🙂

    My impact in this world is to leave two brilliant holistic young individuals who will use their voice to lift our world up. Stand up for themselves and others.

    I want to empower people who are trapped with Impostor syndrome to find their confidence and find their voice

    Thank you for your provocations today Alex

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