
How to deal with the negative self-talk?

August 24, 2020

In my book AwarenessBuilder 101 there is a chapter where I speak about ‘negativations’.

I know it’s a non-existing word 🙂

I made it up to capture the essence of the negative self talk that many of us frequently do.


This is not serving us nor does it build us up.


As I was reflecting on it, I bumped into a song that is so beautiful and taking such a powerful stand against all those negativations that I decided to share it with you.


Curious to know what I’m talking about?


Watch below:



P.S. Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What are the negativations that you want to get rid of? With which affirmation or affirmations do you want to replace it with? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your thoughts.


P.P.S. And by the way, listen to that song by India.Arie “I Am Light”. It is so worth it.

1 Comment

  1. Ellie says:

    Hi Alex,
    I am behind on personsal email communication . I was reading thru the back log I came across this email which stop me in my tracks. I am decompressing this weekend from a whirlwind 6 months in the face of Covid-19 pandemic an its impact on work, family illness ,etc. and in time of stress the “negativations” especially ” Im not good enough” bubble up . This give me awareness of needing to deal with negative stress , prioritize, take a pause, do something centering like listening to relfective , uplifting tunes. Thanks For sharing,Ellie

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