
Open letter to: ALL the leaders in the world

April 10, 2020

April 10th, 2020

Dear leader,

Today I heard some wonderful news:
For the first time in decades the mountain tops of the Himalayas are visible again!
Wow, what a wakeup call.


Humanity is deeply suffering due to the Covid19 tragedy. We mourn many lives, tens of thousands.

People lose jobs, businesses have to close. Weddings are postponed and many of us can’t even accompany loved ones to their final resting place. The list of sufferings is very, very long.


At the same time, we see the earth taking a deep breath. Mountain tops get visible again, the nights are silent. Deer walking into our cities. We see fish swimming in cleaner water.

And, humanity is not only suffering. Humanity is also redefining what really matters. Reconnecting with core values and what moves their hearts. More often than not discovering these are the so called ‘simple’ things in life. Like a phone call to a loved one. Or spending time with our kids.


In the midst of all of this, many of us strive to go back to normal as soon as possible.
The question is, to which ‘normal’ do we want to go back to. The norm(al) of pre-Covid19? Or, do we want to also redefine what ‘normal’ is?


Leaders in the world: I urge you to collect the lessons this tragedy teaches us, even whilst it’s happening. To collect what we thought and how we felt whilst we were in the midst of the storm. To take pictures of the lessons we see unfolding in front of our eyes. To capture not only the beauty of mountain tops who were hidden for decades due to pollution, no, also capture pictures of people who couldn’t get the care they need, they deserve. To collect the stories of the naked truth, for instance how elderly people died alone and were only found after days or even weeks. How healthcare wasn’t equally available to all in need. How Covid19 did not discriminate who got infected, yet that our systems often discriminated by who got medical care.


Leaders of the world: I urge you to collect the lessons from the Covid19 tragedy whilst we’re fighting this war so we can give the future generations a world that is more at peace with itself. That is more connected to what really matters. That better understands what ‘human rights’ and ‘equality’ really means.

So we don’t fight to ‘just’ conquer an enemy, yet that we actually do find a better world at the other side of this tragedy.


Leaders of the world: Yes, this is a letter to kings and presidents, to all who were given the responsibility to lead countries.

This is also a letter to the leaders in armies and organisations. The way you lead makes a difference.

AND: this letter is written to all (young) adults in the world, because YOU ARE A LEADER!

The way you lead your family, your friends, yourself; it makes a difference.
We are ALL leaders and we are all responsible for what we learn from, and create from the tragedy that is now calling the whole world to pause and reconsider.

Thank you for reading this letter,

Alex Verlek


  1. Martha Parker says:

    Your letter to the World’s Leaders is a beautiful, chest calming, respectful, wise, clear and articulate communication. May it be read and shared broadly.

    Alex, you are a great teacher and a leader. Thank you for all you do as you live and enjoy your life in the “now.”

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your kind reply Martha and if you feel like, I’d be grateful if you share the letter. I didn’t have enough poststamps to send a copy to everyone it may concern😊

  2. Yvette says:

    What am inspiring and heart felt letter and action. This is a challenge I hope is heard. Change happens quickly in our world as we have seen. Let’s hope our leaders don’t forget and that actions such as this help them to remember their positions of power can be used for positive change in the world.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your kind reply Yvette!
      Please spread the word if you feel like and, let’s remember, we’re ALL leaders.
      Keep up the good work🙏

  3. Hiroki says:

    What I felt through your blog is that it’s time to find what the truth is for us as a leader.
    I received your letter.

  4. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks Hiroki🙏
    Thanks for joining in being a leader!

  5. Uloma says:

    Thoughtful letter… many thanks.
    I have also shared copied and shared on my Facebook page with credit to you.
    I hope to meditate on the few lessons that resonates with me .


  6. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks for your comment and for sharing the letter. Hope it’ll inspire many others by you sharing it🙏

  7. Mariana Argueta says:

    Beautiful letter, wonderful job. The letter came across LinkedIn and I was curious about your background. Very interesting. Is this
    10-13 June 2020
    Coaching Workshop (Fundamentals) – ONLINE having any cost? Can you give me further information?

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your kind words Mariana!
      I’ll ask the organisers of this June course to share more info with you.

  8. Alexandra says:

    Alex, you letter is so true, so to the point, so inspiring, so motivating, so shaking and so much awakening awareness, so much making clear that out of vulnerability we can so much more lead better, dare to lead, but dare – for the sake of humanity, for the sake of a better good for our world – thanks for sharing this big & important message, thanks for leading by example 🙏 – I will spread your word thankfully! With love and for more love in the world, Alex(andra)

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thank you for your warm words and for sharing the message Alexandra!

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