
From Awareness Builder 101: Chapter 13

October 07, 2024

13. JOY IS


All my Facebook posts start with these two words. And then it describes something that brings a smile to my face. Accompanied with a picture of that moment, that view, that feeling.

The posts were born in response to the countless posts with political or religious opinionated messages. Agreeing or disagreeing with a certain politician. Trying to convince the world about how God sees something, to be more religious, in a different way, or why you shouldn’t be religious. Another favourite topic; things that go wrong in the world where we of course need to share our opinion. In reaction to those opinions, on either of the above topics, more opinions. Pro, con, left, right…. It is as if I’m reading another newspaper or magazine. We’ve got enough of those!

Once I saw a cartoon which was also spot-on! A waiter in a restaurant asked the couple if there was something wrong with their food since they hadn’t taken a picture to post on Facebook yet. Aaagh, as if I care you’re eating Brussels sprouts, a steak, or spaghetti?!! Drinking a beer or a cocktail?!! Well, not the slightest bit….sorry.


What I do care about, is if you’re finding joy in life. Joy, that feeling that makes your heart sing. That makes your eyes water. That brings a smile to your face. That makes you cuddle up with that person next to you. That makes you slow down for a moment. That makes you want to sing or dance. Or both!

And when you witness other people enJOYing life, for just that brief moment, it often also brings a bit of joy to your heart. Try it, open up for it.


In response to my series of JOY IS posts, people sometimes wonder if life is just one big party for me. Always joy? That can’t be!?! And they are correct, as much as they are mistaken.


I do know my share of struggles. For instance, my body decided to have fibromyalgia, meaning that there is not a single day without pain. I lost a parent at a rather young age. I had a totally failed marriage with two kids, with all the troubles that come with that. I have three grandchildren and of two of them I don’t even know their names. I’ve been ill for more than two years which still carries its scars. And I can go on. Like you could create your long list of struggles and challenges. We’re the same. Life sometimes isn’t funny at all. If that’s where your focus is….


When the doctor told me about my fibromyalgia and that there is nothing I could do to make it better, I decided to prove her wrong. Instead of having the focus on my pain, I decided to focus on the gifts of life. The moments I’m touched by something beautiful, something fun, something special. It’s usually found in something that’s not costing any money, and very widely available. It’s to be found in the ‘simple’ things of life.


JOY IS for free, all you need to do is put your focus on it. And it’ll soften many, many pains and fears….



Journaling questions for this chapter:


What is an area in my life where I could do with more JOY?


What is JOY for me?


I choose to add more JOY to my day by….?



© 2024. Alex Verlek, Coaching Works International.


PS. To order the Awareness Builder 101 e-book or audio book, click here.

And to listen to the audio version of this chapter, click below:



  1. Johnny B says:


    I so very often have seen your messages in my inbox and just sailed on by. Probably making an assumption or two as I did so. But today I didn’t and read you ‘JOY IS’ post and loved it. What a gift. Slowing down and parking your assumptions and being curious. That brought me joy. So thankyou for sharing your walnuts of wisdom as well as the stones in your shoes and I’ll be sure to click on my next Alex Verlek email. Be Joyful.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your honest and courageous reply Johnny. So appreciate you sharing this! I hope my future message will also inspire you.
      Be well & Do good,

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