
From Awareness Builder 101: Chapter 14

October 28, 2024

14. My Owner


Questions. In general we aim to answer them instantly. The faster the better. That’s also the expectation with which we ask questions. We want instant answers, solutions, clarity. Nothing wrong with it!! In most cases that’s exactly what I want myself. I have a question and I need an answer so I can move forward.


Yet sometimes, a question really deserves it to marinate in time. These aren’t the questions which are asked to give an answer to the person who asked. No, they are a gift for the one receiving the question. It’s meant to send the receiving person on a rich journey of exploration. Hours, days or even weeks of chewing on that question. Whilst there is no right or wrong answer, yet with time the answer usually evolves. Layer after layer opens up with time. It’s a bit philosophical, maybe even a spiritual journey of self-exploration. Finding an answer and questioning it right away. Because something inside you tells you there is more to be discovered. It’s like a good wine where time is an essential part of its richness.


Recently I was given such a question: “Who is your owner”. Just 4 simple words. And I ‘wrestled’ with those words for weeks. Who. Is. My. Owner.? Eventually two answers remained: I and God. Or was it God and I? Hmm, a new question came from the answer. I decided after a few days that the order didn’t matter. I came to that conclusion after asking a 3rd and a 4th question: “What does it actually mean if I am my owner?” And: “Or when God is my owner?”.


Being someone’s possession initially felt limiting, not free. Yet I see God as the Divine Power, Spirit and Love who trusts me and loves me unconditionally. So much that I’ve been given the free choice what to make of my life. Isn’t that the ultimate gift towards freedom, towards life? Feeling that Power, Spirit and Love makes that it doesn’t matter anymore whether it’s God or I who owns me. We’re in this together!


Then owner God asked: “Do you love him as much as I do? Do you dare to love yourself with Divine Spirit, Power and Love?”

These questions moved me deeply. Yet the answer was “no, not fully”, I didn’t feel judged by it. On the contrary, it was an invitation, an encouragement! If you want to please your owners, dare to love yourself. Dare to grow and bear fruit. Dare to explore what life has in store for you. Explore and live. Oh yes, that includes making mistakes. They are meant to teach you important lessons so embrace your mistakes as an essential part of your journey. It’s part of the plan.

Moved by all this, one question remained towards my owners: “How to live up to their expectations?”


God took the lead in answering: “Just do your best”. I agreed. Me cried with relief.



Journaling questions for this chapter:


What’s the deal I want to close with my owner(s)?


Do I dare to love myself with Divine Spirit, Power and Love? If so, how? If not, what’s getting in the way?


What choices do I want to make in order to judge myself less and simply embrace all I can do is my best?



© 2024. Alex Verlek, Coaching Works International.


PS. To order the Awareness Builder 101 e-book or audio book, click here.

And to listen to the audio version of this chapter, click below:


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