
“You’ll never again…” they said… but I DID!

December 30, 2020

What a Year!


2020 has been a challenging year for everybody. I had my fair share of challenges as well.


In March / April I was in intensive care with a seriously herniated disk. I’m ending the year with a couple of broken ribs. Yep, clumsy is my middle name : -)


My business had challenges and it was blessed.


Privately I had challenges and I was blessed.


What I’ve learned in this year and I want to pass it on to you as an intention for the coming year is that: 


“It isn’t the circumstances that decide how we feel about things, it is how we look at it. It is our mindset.”


I’ve recorded a special New Year’s video for you.


It takes just 4 minutes.



In the meantime, may your heart be filled with courage & strength.




P.S. Once you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What energy do you want to bring to your upcoming year? What are your thoughts? Your wishes? Your longings? Your fears? What energy are you intending to give to 2021?  Feel free to leave a comment on this blog and share your thoughts.


  1. Megan Luckie says:

    Thank you for this message Alex. So wonderful to hear from you again and glad to hear that you are on the mend. Amazing all the learnings this year has given us. My intention is to be present. With a mindset for 2021 of progress. Intentional progress over perfection in health, family, finance and work. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Love it: Intentional progress over perfection!!
      Thanks for sharing!

  2. Monika says:

    Thank you, dear Alex, for this beautiful inquiry! The energy I want to bring to this new year is „luxurious kindness“ – firstly towards myself and mostly to the relations I am in.
    Wishing you magic and sparkling for everything you do and are in the New Year – warmly, Monika

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Luxurious kindness sounds and feels really good! Can I borrow that one?😊

      1. Anonymous says:

        Anytime, dear, I have plenty of it in stock!

  3. Patti says:

    Happy 2021 Alex! Thank you for your video and your positive energy as you heal. I am in a state of deep appreciation right now and intend to be in a state of love energy as my new year focus.
    I so appreciate your Coach Masterclass and inspiration. I am feeling the calm of this Holiday season – more internal reflection and connections. I am grateful for having your Coach presence available to all who seek to continue their learning.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      A state of love energy… wow, beautiful!
      And… that’s how I know you😊

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