
Tired, frustrated & angry. Sounds familiar?

January 07, 2021

Towards the end of 2020, I came to the conclusion: Man, I´m tired!


I´m not just tired. I´m sometimes also frustrated. 2020 was a HEAVY year!


When I shared my feelings with other people and they shared theirs, I came to a conclusion; the word is tired. 


Looking at the recent events, the world is not just tired. The world is not just frustrated.


The world is ANGRY! There is a lot of anger in the world right now.


We’ve now seen that anger can be expressed in ways above & beyond our imagination…


I’ve started to reflect what we as coaches can do to support people that we meet on our path who have the same struggles of tiredness, anger & frustration.


This is why today I shot a new video where I want to share my reflections with you.


Watch it below.



P.S. When you’ve had a chance to watch it, I’d love to hear from you. What do you need so you can hold the space of warmth, safety, love & respect to support those who struggle? To avoid that it has to be expressed in such a destructive and shameful way. Feel free to leave a comment on this blog and share your thoughts.


  1. Alonso Rios says:

    Thank you for your words of wisdom, Alex. What I need is to feel safe, and I also need my family members to be safe. Some of my family members and I live in a country in which authorities have not managed well the COVID-19 pandemic. I am frustrated by the negligence and ineptness of local authorities. I am not optimistic regarding the time at which my family and I will have access to a vaccine in the country I currently live, and I am considering traveling to my second nationality country to get it. It is puzzling to me that none of my clients have raised the issue of COVID-19 as a threat to their lives throughout the coaching process; it seems that they are taking it as a “given” and I sense that even if they do not bring it to the coaching sessions, they are all living with a certain degree of fear.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing Alonso!
      I wish you and your loved ones will remain safe!

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