
Lessons history holds for us..

October 25, 2021

This weekend I had the privilege to lead another CTI Co-Active Coaching course. A joyful experience with my great colleague Conchita Rodríguez Franco. This time in the both beautiful and historical city of Berlin, Germany.

I’d never been there and used my evenings for long walks to visit historical sights. I deeply respect Berlin keeps reminding us of the lessons history holds for us, whilst at the same time being a wonderful vibrant city.

The many monuments tell stories of the impact of war. How countless lives got lost because we picked up our arms. To fight, destroy and kill. One life after the other, or many in one go.

The monuments do not represent the very last wars we’ve seen. It still seems the lessons aren’t clear and loud enough and we keep trying the same thing, each time expecting different results. Einstein nicely summed that up: This is insane!

This is exactly why I do what I do.

We need to learn to fight with different weapons! We need to create a totally different army. We need to grow in awareness on what really matters, both for the individual as well as for the collective. We need to create an army of positive change. Where the weapons are radically different! 

We, for instance, need to start ‘fighting’ with curiosity instead of judgment. With respect and love instead of hate. With a desire to learn from differences. With a longing to grow the other as much as ourself. To multiply by sharing. 

It may sound as if I know it all so well.

Well, I strive to live in line with the above. I teach it. Yet frequently I fail since I’m human after all. Maybe this is why destiny took me to Berlin this weekend. To remind me of the lessons I constantly need to learn. The choices I need to make over and over. To be on purpose. To act on purpose.

My invitation is to reflect on what choices you individually need to make to collectively create that army of positive change.

So that soldiers can go home and be with their loved ones about which the detail on the Siegessäule reminded me.


Real victory is when we can all go home in peace to be with our loved ones and never have to pick up our arms again.


©Alex Verlek 2021 Berlin, Germany

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