
Climb that mountain (part 1)!

January 07, 2020

So, the first blog post of 2020, and, of course, all my best wishes to you and your loved ones. May this year be the year of your dreams coming true. Last Sunday I made one of  my dreams coming true and climbed the 2000 meters high mountain near my house. On Sunday I decided to climb that mountain and I must admit that on the way I thought of quitting several times. 


I thought: “You are not trained enough. You are not prepared enough, It’s too much. It’s too silly. Why don’t you stop here, enjoy the view and go back?”.


And …I didn’t.


It have to admit it took a lot of effort, but I got up there. And the moment I got up there was a moment of victory. It was a victory over myself as I am not competing with anyone else. And I was welcomed by a couple of beautiful ibex. It was such a gift to see them. And it was just a beautiful metaphor for if you commit to do something and you continue. You just continue at your own pace, one step at time – you will get there. Whatever “there” means to you.


Watch my video from the mountains below:



So this is the metaphor for this year:


  • What are the mountains YOU want to climb this year?
  • How kind will you be to yourself while climbing YOUR mountains?


Please, share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Monika says:

    Dear Alex, The mountain (your mountain next to your home) is such a beautiful metaphor.? I promise myself to be very gentle and kind to myself when I climb the mountain of the three certifications. Big hug, Monika

  2. Jennifer, JUNGHEE LEE says:

    Dear Alex, I  feel so touched.  Your writing inspires, encourages me. I’d like to enjoy my climing my mountain.  My 2020 mountian is growing as global coach. My first step is challenge for CPCC. A big  hug and wishing you a rexing and energizing day!!You just call me “Jennifer” instead of Nanna! 

  3. Gabi says:

    Truly inspiring Alex, thank you for sharing.This year -2020- I need to climb 2 mountains called PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 exams after which I can be able to register and be able to work as an international medical graduate doctor in the UK.Wishing you and your family the very best too! 

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