


November 30, 2021

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  1. Monika says:

    My dear coach, Enrichment comes to my mind – and my focus will be on health (a very holistic approach) and visibility. Take care and see you again in 2020 – hugs,Monika

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Love that, Monika.

  2. Alexandra says:

    Courage, creativity, connectedness and fun:)

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Way to go partner in crime!

  3. John Belge says:

    Continued learning , exploration, and connection with all around me. 

  4. Monika says:

    Dear Alex, The mountain (your mountain next to your home) is such a beautiful metaphor.? I promise myself to be very gentle and kind to myself when I climb the mountain of the three certifications. Big hug, Monika

  5. Jennifer, JUNGHEE LEE says:

    Dear Alex, I  feel so touched.  Your writing inspires, encourages me. I’d like to enjoy my climing my mountain.  My 2020 mountian is growing as global coach. My first step is challenge for CPCC. A big  hug and wishing you a rexing and energizing day!!You just call me “Jennifer” instead of Nanna! 

  6. Gabi says:

    Truly inspiring Alex, thank you for sharing.This year -2020- I need to climb 2 mountains called PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 exams after which I can be able to register and be able to work as an international medical graduate doctor in the UK.Wishing you and your family the very best too! 

  7. Monica says:

    Very nice written Alex! .
    It’s important to connect with our inner child! We can have wise insights from that experience!
    Thank you!

    1. Alex says:

      Thanks Monica for your comment! Yes, our inner child… such a gift. I hope the two of you keep playing together 🙂

  8. Alexandra says:

    I was so touched by your words that I actually called my mom and asked her to send me my child picture. And what wants to break free is courage, creativity, confidence and experimenting with new things (personally and professionally). All those are my exact intentions for 2020. Thank you for your wisdom and yet another powerful reminder❤?

    1. Alex says:

      Thanks for your message Alexandra and I am glad this blog inspired you! And wow, 2020 feels like a really cool adventure for you!

  9. Anonymous says:

    A great thought:) xx

  10. Anonymous says:

    Love it. I am slowly learning that asking for help is giving others the opportunity to live their life purpose. That it has nothing to do with me being independent or not capable at all.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Love 💓 this. Thank you for sharing !

  12. Patti says:

    Hi Alex – looking forward to “seeing” you on zoom this Friday.
    I see the video and your physical movement but no sound unfortunately.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Dear Patti. Please click on the video and you will see it with sound. Sorry, this is due to technical problems from hosting provider. We are currently looking into it. See you on Friday. Axx

  13. Heather Cribbin says:

    Interesting question. I’m needing self compassion, where I don’t compare myself to what others are doing or accomplishing. I’m needing time outside, and finding a window or a way that honours social distancing rules. When I meet those needs, I’m much more able to “be with” others – for their sake and for mine. I am sad to have missed your CTI online gathering. I hope it was a success and will watch for another opportunity to join you.

    1. Alex says:

      Thanks for your message Heather! I got triggered by the word ‘compare’. Often when we compare we (unconsciously) compete with the person we compare ourselves with. Competing makes it about winning or loosing. Whilst connecting from heart to heart is a win/win for both/all involved.
      And yes, too bad you missed the webinar. Stay tuned, more will follow!

  14. Abeer says:

    Walk the talk, a new awareness is blooming inside of me since The learnings of co-active coaching. The wisdom of the choice of creating my own flow when feeling stuck. Balancing being and doing and honoring my values. In short, creating a conscious relationship with myself. Creating my own weather regardless of what is going outside . And by empowering myself and honoring proactivity, I become more available and more at service to my loved ones.

  15. Martha Parker says:

    Alex, I am so sorry to hear you have contracted the virus! I want to share that they are having great luck with high doses (like 10-12,000 mg per day) of vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid – not buffered). Apparently, when your immune system is fighting the virus you don’t have to worry about bowel saturation which would usually happen at a much lower level.

    I am sending you strong positive thoughts for your quick and complete recovery!

    1. Alex says:

      Dear Martha, thanks for your kind message🙏
      I’m not in hospital due to C19. It’s a seriously herniated disc.

  16. Martha Parker says:

    Your letter to the World’s Leaders is a beautiful, chest calming, respectful, wise, clear and articulate communication. May it be read and shared broadly.

    Alex, you are a great teacher and a leader. Thank you for all you do as you live and enjoy your life in the “now.”

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your kind reply Martha and if you feel like, I’d be grateful if you share the letter. I didn’t have enough poststamps to send a copy to everyone it may concern😊

  17. Yvette says:

    What am inspiring and heart felt letter and action. This is a challenge I hope is heard. Change happens quickly in our world as we have seen. Let’s hope our leaders don’t forget and that actions such as this help them to remember their positions of power can be used for positive change in the world.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your kind reply Yvette!
      Please spread the word if you feel like and, let’s remember, we’re ALL leaders.
      Keep up the good work🙏

  18. John Belge says:


    You are already spinning gold from_____! You are courageous both in your approach to rehab and your willingness to show vulnerability: physically and emotionally.

    You are inspiring me to step it up, for that I thank you.

    I don’t know what the future holds, but I know whatever is to come you will find a way to continue to inspire all those around you.

  19. Hiroki says:

    What I felt through your blog is that it’s time to find what the truth is for us as a leader.
    I received your letter.

  20. Nicole Haller says:

    Hej Alex, thanks for your inspiring words. I can only imagine how your recent experiences have been for you through, see it as an opportunity to learn is very inspiring for me.
    I have my troubles with discipline, my saboteur just says I have none, not by increasing my fitness or loosing weight, not by eating healthy nor in limiting my consumption. My DO‘s with discipline are: give myself time to change habits; take it step by step, slowly but steady; be gentle on myself in case I have a weak moment, I have a choice and accept my limits. My DONT‘S: too ambitious, unrealistic goals in too short time, perfection, compare myself to others, the believe that everybody else is more disciplined than me.
    I‘m on my way. It‘s not one day, it‘s day one.
    Warm regards, Nicole

  21. Elise Li says:

    Hey Alex, I’m so happy to see you back home and take video again. I know it’s not easy to stand up(“stand up”) again and create from mess. You are the one who inspires me. Recently I have been through a no reason breaking up which put me into the hard truth model of life.

    I’m grateful to this while still I’m crying from time to time, feel lost and painful in the bottom of heart. However, at the same time, I see/experience my own authority inside me and keep telling me who I am. I will keep doing my recovery on soul as you are doing your recovery on body.

    I believe the whole world are lightening up by our responsibility for our own. We create more awareness and make less unconsciousness to make it a better place to live.

    To the people who are in suffer and still choose to STAND UP!

  22. Estelle L says:

    Hi Alex, very touched by your video and so please to see you back home in your beautiful garden! Thank you for sharing your reflections. I have always have some issues with the word ”discipline” that i associate with obedience and tough rules imposed with not always a good reason! But c’est moi! To reach my goals my DO’s are : I have routines and tips that i set for myself depending on what I want to achieve. They help me keep the level of energy i need, keep me in focus, guide me when in doubt, or when situations are uncertain/unstable. And also I have learnt to accept that sometimes i need more time, that a step back is not a bad thing and let me make the shifts i need to move forward. When it comes to my DONT’s : working on it … putting a lot of pressure on myself (Instead i repeat to myself : I have all the time in the world), being a perfectionist instead of striving for excellence, giving too much space to my saboteurs, devaluating myself. Nobody is perfect and Rome has not been built in 1 day. Stay safe and hope you fully recover fast. Warm regards, Estelle

  23. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Nicole! And I love your statement “It‘s not one day, it‘s day one”! And please remember: We can always start over again!!

  24. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks for your open and courageous post Elise! You rock!! Thanks for your encouragement to all who struggle: STAND UP!

  25. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks for your words Estelle🙏
    And welcome to the club of imperfectionizts 😉

  26. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks Hiroki🙏
    Thanks for joining in being a leader!

  27. Uloma says:

    Thoughtful letter… many thanks.
    I have also shared copied and shared on my Facebook page with credit to you.
    I hope to meditate on the few lessons that resonates with me .


  28. Uzma says:

    Freedom for me is being able to breathe freely, think freely. Physical freedom is important and but mental and emotional space even more so. A physically free human may feel limited while a human in limiting circumstances may feel emotionally free. It is an inner permission to accept yourself and be comfortable in your skin. That for me is real freedom.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing your wise and inspiring words Uzma🙏

  29. Patti says:

    HI…when I consider “freedom” I turn to my in-the-moment- choice point. Tuning into myself and my intuition to hone into what is it I really want in this moment. Another way to consider freedom is one of free of old or stagnant routines and creating new habits that serve me. I treasure the place I live in (Canada) and the space I live in – very close to a beautiful walking trail by a river. Freedom to explore and BE in this space. I feel blessed and grateful to my father and the generation of people who helped secure the freedom of life I now enjoy.
    Thank you Alex for the beautiful scenery and thought stimulant.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing these precious words Patti🙏

  30. Alex Verlek says:

    Thanks for your comment and for sharing the letter. Hope it’ll inspire many others by you sharing it🙏

  31. Karen Kitagawa-Froese says:

    Alex, this couldn’t have been timed better. My husband lost his job last week and in these unique times finding a new one has its complexities. From your clip, here is what I am asking myself: what can I do differently to refocus the situation, what can I do to help myself and lastly what and who are most important to focus on? Like you said, just when everything seems smooth and easy, life shifts and you have a new perspective and horizon to look towards. Thank you and take care

    1. Julia Wilson says:

      Alex – I absolutely love this and immediately thought of two current situations where your questions turn my thinking on its head – and make these people (who I have been calling terrible names in my head) into teachers. Awesomeness – and thank you!

      1. Alex Verlek says:

        Thanks for your reply Julia! Glad you could make that shift in perspective! Keep up the good work!

    2. Alex Verlek says:

      Wow Karen, sorry to hear about that challenging situation yet how powerful are you in how you deal with it!

  32. Patti Martin says:

    Hi Alex – I love the question and the freedom to interpret “enemy”. What I think about in that word is a larger space of “interruption” – events, people that interrupt the flow of what my intention is/was. I am, and most of us are, learning to adapt and pivot as each time there is something new to life – could be something small (my key fob for car needs a new battery) to a larger impact of no work. With the key fob – oh, I get to enjoy another walk over to the car dealership, and isn’t that wonderful they are available. With no/less work, I am reminded that I am in training for fuller retirement so how do I want to use my energy and focus.
    I am reminded of a saying that was shared decades ago with me by Richard Bolles: when we awake, there are 2 plans for you, the one you make and the one the universe has for you. Your invitation to ask “what is this teaching me”? is terrific. Thanks for the inspiration and nudge!

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks Patti for sharing your wise words and that powerful quote!!

  33. Nathalie says:

    Thank you Alex for your message. I love it ! I’m jewish. Nature and torah are my 2 main strengths. I love to read the paracha ( weekly part of the torah) every week. It inspires me a lot !
    And when i face difficult moments / situations i told to myself: “Everything is for good”. I also remember this sentence in hebrew : “אין עוד מלבדו” or “there are not but him” : this feeling that there is a higher & good power gives me confidence in life !

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing what gives you confidence Nathalie. I’m grateful you added words that inspire and comfort you!

  34. Patti Martin says:

    Hi Alex! I am really enjoying and appreciating your Tuesday blog/ video – thank you. I love “inspirational quotes” but do not have a very favourite. One that I often think about is a version of Be, Do, Have: “First say to yourself what you would BE and then do what you have to do” Epictitus. Other wisdoms include self inquiry – is it true, is it kind? And at this time, “Our life is what our thoughts make it” Marcus Aurelius.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thank you Patti for adding words of wisdom that inspire you!🙏

  35. Abeer says:

    Hi Alex! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 2 things were brought to my mind here: 1st is “moving from religious to spiritual”: At this stage of my life,I am moving towards religion .Reading Quran as words of God. And reflecting into what I am reading and having my own interpretations .It brings me a sense of peace and harmony surrendering to a Power great and majestic.But I am noticing that I am avoiding communicating this with others as religious (I guess Word religious these days refers to rigidity and fixed mindset).And instead,using the word spiritual. Is this the voice of a saboteur(The Avoider) or is it the voice of my inner-leader (The Wise)?? I am activating curiosity, compassion …..to explore it…….
    2ed is “ instrument of peace”. This resonates a lot with my beliefs, which is that we are here in this life to be God’s instrument in spreading all the good things, Love , Compassion, Mercy, Wisdom… which bring us , all humans , together as ONE and WHOLE.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Abeer, thank you for your contribution!
      I am so grateful that words of wisdom from different religious backgrounds have their place here.
      It fills my heart with hope. Hope that different religions and a variety of spiritual treasures can co-exist peacefully next to each other. Even more: that these so called ‘differences’ unite instead of divide.

  36. Mariana Argueta says:

    Beautiful letter, wonderful job. The letter came across LinkedIn and I was curious about your background. Very interesting. Is this
    10-13 June 2020
    Coaching Workshop (Fundamentals) – ONLINE having any cost? Can you give me further information?

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for your kind words Mariana!
      I’ll ask the organisers of this June course to share more info with you.

  37. Patti says:

    Hi Alex….what a time we are in. We are certainly not in justice and maybe, just maybe, we are in a reckoning towards greater justice. I heard a quote today from Sebene Selassie which reads in part : “To belong is also to acknowledge injustice, reckon with history and face our own shadow”. It is my hope and my current belief that all that is unfolding for us in this time is for us to delve deep within and to speak our truths for humanity. This means facing our own bias and lived experience and choose to be and to do what we can in service of treating each and every being with respect for who they are.
    We all need to work our way through racism to come to the other side. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
    Thank you for the invitation to share our thoughts.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Patti, as well as this quote!
      And yes, it might be a bumpy road but it’s worth to be travelled!

  38. Alexandra says:

    Alex, you letter is so true, so to the point, so inspiring, so motivating, so shaking and so much awakening awareness, so much making clear that out of vulnerability we can so much more lead better, dare to lead, but dare – for the sake of humanity, for the sake of a better good for our world – thanks for sharing this big & important message, thanks for leading by example 🙏 – I will spread your word thankfully! With love and for more love in the world, Alex(andra)

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thank you for your warm words and for sharing the message Alexandra!

  39. Thea says:

    Sexy for me is Curiosity. Being able and willing to see beyond your own perspective and being able to see what is more in this world. With that there is openness for all people of all varieties, all ideas and a lot (I mean a LOT) of compassion.
    I really want to be with people that are curious.

  40. Abeer says:

    Sexy for me is the creativity in creating ones own wether. Where there is peace, emotional intelligence in understanding self, other people’s references. In a responding mode rather than reactive one. Interdependent leadership where everyone is included.

  41. Meriene Goo says:

    Hi Alex,
    Always love your creative ways in teasing out the nuances and truths of life in such a delightful way. And yes, ‘ I did it my way’ resonates deeply. I remember writing a haiku about choice.
    The power of choice
    Deliberate, intentional
    Examined life, breathe
    This haiku captured a critical moment in my life when I was torn in choosing between 2 matters which means the world to me. Choice gives us clarity and shows up the pathway to take with no regrets.
    Choice, courage, freedom and responsibility are all integrated… that’s another story …
    Thank you, Alex, again for your inspirational triggers !

  42. Abeer says:

    Lovely song!
    By age , we get wiser and wiser. For me, Thinking about the past no longer has a grip on me, simply because it becomes a prospective. What pass has pass. What I have now is my prospective of it. And I am choosing to be compassionate, and to be a student of life .

  43. Sonja says:

    Hi Alex,
    thanks for sharing this video…I was not aware that Israel offered help but actually that little piece of “knowledge” made my day. It reaffirms that there is hope for this crazy state of the world that we are in right now. And that also my little contributions matter :-). Have a great day! Sonja

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Sonja, I’m happy to hear it made your day. And of course, your contribution matters! P.S. I look forward to seeing you at my Masterclass in Munich in September 🙂

  44. Divya says:

    Happy birthday Alex! 56 what….. your spirit is that of a 26 year old 🙂

    My impact in this world is to leave two brilliant holistic young individuals who will use their voice to lift our world up. Stand up for themselves and others.

    I want to empower people who are trapped with Impostor syndrome to find their confidence and find their voice

    Thank you for your provocations today Alex

  45. Ellie says:

    Hi Alex,
    I am behind on personsal email communication . I was reading thru the back log I came across this email which stop me in my tracks. I am decompressing this weekend from a whirlwind 6 months in the face of Covid-19 pandemic an its impact on work, family illness ,etc. and in time of stress the “negativations” especially ” Im not good enough” bubble up . This give me awareness of needing to deal with negative stress , prioritize, take a pause, do something centering like listening to relfective , uplifting tunes. Thanks For sharing,Ellie

  46. Inayat Abbas Firdousi says:

    Hi, it’s very interesting how the universe brings something at a specific time in my life. I had the video and marked it to read later, later was this morning and was it at the right time. I have realized that unlike the lizard I am holding on to things that I consider important yet at this time in my life I need to drop them and let nature take its course in either getting me a new tail or making me adaptable to live without one.

  47. Megan Luckie says:

    Thank you for this message Alex. So wonderful to hear from you again and glad to hear that you are on the mend. Amazing all the learnings this year has given us. My intention is to be present. With a mindset for 2021 of progress. Intentional progress over perfection in health, family, finance and work. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Love it: Intentional progress over perfection!!
      Thanks for sharing!

  48. Monika says:

    Thank you, dear Alex, for this beautiful inquiry! The energy I want to bring to this new year is „luxurious kindness“ – firstly towards myself and mostly to the relations I am in.
    Wishing you magic and sparkling for everything you do and are in the New Year – warmly, Monika

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Luxurious kindness sounds and feels really good! Can I borrow that one?😊

      1. Anonymous says:

        Anytime, dear, I have plenty of it in stock!

  49. Patti says:

    Happy 2021 Alex! Thank you for your video and your positive energy as you heal. I am in a state of deep appreciation right now and intend to be in a state of love energy as my new year focus.
    I so appreciate your Coach Masterclass and inspiration. I am feeling the calm of this Holiday season – more internal reflection and connections. I am grateful for having your Coach presence available to all who seek to continue their learning.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      A state of love energy… wow, beautiful!
      And… that’s how I know you😊

  50. Alonso Rios says:

    Thank you for your words of wisdom, Alex. What I need is to feel safe, and I also need my family members to be safe. Some of my family members and I live in a country in which authorities have not managed well the COVID-19 pandemic. I am frustrated by the negligence and ineptness of local authorities. I am not optimistic regarding the time at which my family and I will have access to a vaccine in the country I currently live, and I am considering traveling to my second nationality country to get it. It is puzzling to me that none of my clients have raised the issue of COVID-19 as a threat to their lives throughout the coaching process; it seems that they are taking it as a “given” and I sense that even if they do not bring it to the coaching sessions, they are all living with a certain degree of fear.

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing Alonso!
      I wish you and your loved ones will remain safe!

  51. Alonso says:

    I love reading and watching you sharing your thoughts. Yes, NOW I am creating that in the next second will become part of HISTORY.

    Your message reminded me of a poem in Goethe’s Faust:

    “If ever I to the moment shall say:
    Beautiful moment, do not pass away!
    Then you may forge your chains to bind me,
    Then I will put my life behind me,
    Then let them hear my death-knell toll,
    Then from your labours, you’ll be free,
    The clock may stop, the clock-hands fall,
    And time come to an end for me!”

    Yes, cherish the NOW, AND be conscious that you are creating HISTORY at every moment.

  52. Anonymous says:

    I am so freaking happy for you and I can see the happiness in your face! Keep on walking!

    1. Alex Verlek says:

      Thanks for sharing in the JOY!!

  53. Ingelotte says:

    What the mind can do.., beautiful and very powerful story to share!

    1. Alex says:

      Mind & Support… magic ingredients indeed 🙂

  54. Patti says:

    Congratulations Alex! Here is to the human spirit and power of acknowledgement.

  55. Karen Kitagawa-Froese says:

    Hello Alex. Thank you for this. I am so connected to cartoons that this was perfect for me to see this morning. The first image that came up was Rafiki from the lion king. He was silent yet everyone knew he was wise. He didn’t have to talk constantly to have people understand his strengths. One quote from the movie is my favourite in these times. “The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” — Rafiki. I am so done with running. Thank you for this today. Have a beautiful week. Take care.

    1. Alex says:

      Love that quote!!
      Thanks for sharing Karen!

  56. Carsten Pfahlert says:

    Hey Alex, thank you for this thought! What a way to start the day 🙂 here is mine: Yoda – you can be everywhere you want to be just by using the power of your thoughts

    1. Alex says:

      May the Force be with you 🙂

  57. John says:

    Alex you always open creative ways to explore our situations and creative ways to express the ideas. Thank you

  58. Carolina Kudo says:

    Thank you for sharing Alex, this is so encouraging and beautiful.

  59. Anonymous says:

    I loved this post Alex. Thank you for sharing.

  60. Jacqui White says:

    I remember an old cartoon from when I was a child. It was, The Little Mole, made by MGM in 1941. I remember that even as a child I was struck by the idea of things not always being what you THINK they are. It depends on who and how you look at it. I was both sad and happy with this cartoon; most of all it made me curious, and that has been a good lesson. Here is a synopsis of the cartoon:
    “A young mole goes out to play. His mother warns him that moles can’t see well in the day, so he should stick close to home. A wandering skunk sells him a pair of glasses. These make the fairy palace he vaguely sees in a junk pile vanish, but reveals the beauty of the rest of the world to him.”

  61. John says:


    Losing or almost losing a loved one is truly as you describe “a gut punch”.
    I am so happy you were able to see your mom, and empathetic to the lesson here.
    It is, I feel, unfortunately a lesson we all need to learn and experience ourselves.

    Thank you for sharing this


    1. Alex says:

      Thanks for your words John! You are a man with a huge heart!!

  62. Jane says:


    1. Alex says:

      Thanks Jane…

  63. Tim says:

    🙏🙏 thank you for sharing your experience and the many different feelings that pass through you. They resonate so much with me and my situation.

    Saying what you need to say, as often as you feel the need to is a lesson. Will it ever be enough? What is enough?

    But at least saying when you can gives comfort and will leave me with less regrets if any


    1. Alex says:

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Tim!

  64. Megan says:

    Alex, having lost both parents, this your story warmed my heart. I am so happy to read that you have additional time. I believe that she is here for a reason still. Love without boundaries. Cherish every moment.